This camera holds a unique and poignant history, having been used by the visionary film director Cristian Nemescu during his final masterpiece, “California Dreamin’” (2007). Once an essential tool in the hands of this passionate and gifted creator, this object now encapsulates priceless memories and a profound artistic legacy. 
The film won the Prix Un Certain Regard at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.
Tragically, Nemescu’s life was cut short before he could complete the editing process. In a tribute to his vision, MediaPro Studios chose to preserve his artistic integrity, utilizing all the material he left behind. This decision resulted in the film’s substantial runtime of 155 minutes, a testament to the depth of Nemescu’s storytelling. 
This camera’s significance is further amplified by its presence at the CineEuroConnect Exhibition, a gesture made possible through Liviu Marghidan, the film’s director of photography. Within its frame lies not just a piece of equipment, but a profound connection to a cinematic journey that transcends time.

The next object that holds a huge significance to me is Cristian Nemescu’s Camera. Octavian Nemescu, Cristian’ father, was my PhD advisor before and after the tragedy hit. Cristian and me were born in the same year and his death was a real shock for our generation, especially after his amazing short films and knowing he was working on California Dreamin’. Being witness to his parents pain all these years is part of this generation’s transformation form young artists to fully gownups and it shaped who we are now. A few months after his passing, a screening was organized at the Studio cinema in Bucharest, finishing with Marilena de la P7. I left the cinema in tears and walked home unable to stop, for one hour.  This is why  Cristian’s camera is one of those objects impregnated with all the hopes of an entire generation and the remembrance of the fact we are all transitory and the absurd of life is one of the main topics that make us create, in order to fight time. – Sabina Ulubeanu, curator