Object Story
The Luminous Work Table stands as a silent but impactful symbol of modern cinema. Assembled in 1999, it revolutionized animation with its adjustable light, perfect for capturing intricate details.
Our donor, Velika, started her career as animator at a very early age in Animafilm, before the Revolution. From 1999 she started working with Dacodac, where she used this table and its magical lightning. With unwavering dedication, she meticulously crafted animations, eventually becoming a renowned animator whose work touched hearts worldwide.
Dacodac, a French Romanian joint venture, produced many films in Romania for more than 10 years. Now it embodies perseverance and passion in film, showcasing that even simple tools can yield extraordinary art.
The Luminous Work Table in particular, is such a solid and sturdy piece of equipment, transcendentally beautiful in its simplicity and pure, almost noble in its purpose – to bring stories to life on screen for the illumination and delight of audiences. Every single one of us who works in film and television is dedicated to the most painstaking execution of our craft, without which the illusion does not sustain, Without the focus and dedication represented here, we fail to meet the audience where they want to meet us, in the magical worlds we conjure through art. With it, we make work taht captures maginations – Mary Kate O’Flanagan, curator