The story of a wristwatch begins on a sunny spring day when a curious little girl passionate about stories receives a small, glittering watch. For her, the watch becomes much more than a simple tool to measure time; it becomes a portal to magical worlds and astonishing adventures.The girl spends hours in the realms of books and movies, and the watch becomes her companion in every page read and every film watched. Each evening, when the watch strikes bedtime, a new story filled with magic and imagination begins. As the years pass, the watch retains its charm and becomes the witness to many moments of joy and discovery. The girl becomes a passionate cinephile, and the watch remains by her side in every eagerly awaited premiere and every rediscovered classic film. In every moment, the watch reminds the girl of that devouring passion for stories and the enchanted world of cinema. With each tick, it brings a smile to her lips and ignites her imagination, turning time into a journey full of adventures and discoveries.
A wristwatch, traditionally a guardian of temporal boundaries, metamorphoses into a symbol, a metaphorical key unlocking the doors to nuanced storytelling. Like the turning reels of a film projector, the watch’s hands spin, guiding us through the passages of moments, scenes, and emotions. As frames flicker on the screen, the watch emerges as a silent protagonist in the narrative of time. Its ticking becomes a heartbeat, echoing the pulse of a storyline. This is a celebration of the watch as a metaphorical conductor, orchestrating the rhythm of cinematic narratives, dictating the pace, and influencing the audience’s perception of time within the visual symphony. Beyond its physicality, the watch becomes a metaphorical anchor, tethering characters to the relentless flow of time within the filmic universe. It signifies more than mere minutes and hours—it embodies the ephemeral nature of existence, the passing of moments that shape stories, characters, and the collective human experience. – Mirona Radu, curator